Humans live in a particular cultural context; on the one side, culture is the result of human creativity; on the…
This article wants to examine Paul's independence as a Gospel Preacher who lives as an entrepreneur. The Apostle Paul, as…
This study aims to examine and describe the entrepreneurial practices of the Pentecostal church in alleviating poverty in Wamena. The…
In the digital era, the role of the church in developing entrepreneurial programs is facing new challenge through the application.…
The congregation of Gereja Kristen Jawi Wetan (GKJW) in Jember is the subject of the research and an integral part…
The current phenomenon of child delinquency leads to moral degradation. The fact is children are no longer victims of violence,…
This study is an effort to explore more concrete and holistic understanding related to existence and woman role in Batak…
After the 2019 National Election in Indonesia, which still left problems both essentialism and mechanism, this nation has been materially…
Churches in Indonesia live in ethnical and cultural diversity. We can find much local wisdom which lately continues to preserve.…